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Multistate simulator

This class configures a multi-state model simulator from predefined model parts. It inherits from the MultiStateModel class, but instead of being fitted to data, it is configured based on predefined models.


Name Type Description Default
competing_risks_models_list List[Dict]

A list of dictionaries, each of which contains the following keys: origin_state: The state from which the simulation starts. target_states: A list of states to which the simulation transitions. model_defs: A dictionary containing the following keys: coefs: A list of coefficients for the competing risks model. baseline_hazard: A list of baseline hazards for the competing risks model.

terminal_states List[int]

A list of states that are terminal states.

update_covariates_fn Callable[ [Series, int, int, float, float], Series ]

A function that takes in a covariate dataframe and returns a covariate dataframe.. Defaults to default_update_covariates_function.

<function default_update_covariates_function at 0x7fb325cdaca0>
covariate_names List[str]

A list of covariate names.. Defaults to None.

states_labels Dict[int, str]

A dictionary of short state labels. Defaults to None.



The update_covariates_fn could be any function you choose to write, but it needs to have the following parameter types (in this order): pandas Series, int, int, float, float, and return a pandas Series.

Source code in pymsm/
class MultiStateSimulator(MultiStateModel):
    """This class configures a multi-state model simulator from predefined model parts. It inherits from the MultiStateModel class, but instead of being fitted to data, it is configured based on predefined models.

        competing_risks_models_list (List[Dict]): A list of dictionaries, each of which contains the following keys:
            origin_state: The state from which the simulation starts.
            target_states: A list of states to which the simulation transitions.
            model_defs: A dictionary containing the following keys:
                coefs: A list of coefficients for the competing risks model.
                baseline_hazard: A list of baseline hazards for the competing risks model.
        terminal_states (List[int]): A list of states that are terminal states.
        update_covariates_fn (Callable[ [Series, int, int, float, float], Series ], optional): A function that takes in a covariate dataframe and returns a covariate dataframe.. Defaults to default_update_covariates_function.
        covariate_names (List[str], optional): A list of covariate names.. Defaults to None.
        states_labels (Dict[int, str], optional): A dictionary of short state labels. Defaults to None.

        The update_covariates_fn could be any function you choose to write, but it needs to have the following parameter
        types (in this order): pandas Series, int, int, float, float,
        and return a pandas Series.


    def __init__(
        competing_risks_models_list: List[Dict],
        terminal_states: List[int],
        update_covariates_fn: Callable[
            [Series, int, int, float, float], Series
        ] = default_update_covariates_function,
        covariate_names: List[str] = None,
        state_labels: Dict[int, str] = None,
        # Configure the MSM, dataset is not relevant

        # Iterate and configure each competing risks model
        for competing_risks_model_dict in competing_risks_models_list:

    def _configure_competing_risks_model(self, competing_risks_model_dict):
        """Helper function to configure a competing risks model from a dictionary containing the following keys:
        origin_state: The state from which the simulation starts.
        target_states: A list of states to which the simulation transitions.
        model_defs: A dictionary containing the following keys:
            coefs: A list of coefficients for the competing risks model.
            baseline_hazard: A list of baseline hazards for the competing risks model.
        origin_state = competing_risks_model_dict["origin_state"]

        # Init CompetingRisksModel
        crm = CompetingRisksModel(event_specific_fitter=ManualCoxWrapper)
        crm.event_specific_models = {}
        crm.failure_types = []
        self.state_specific_models[origin_state] = crm

        # Iterate and configure an EventSpecificModel for each origin_state
        for i, failure_type in enumerate(competing_risks_model_dict["target_states"]):
            coefs, baseline_hazard = (
            ] = EventSpecificModel(
                model=ManualCoxWrapper(coefs, baseline_hazard),